$109.95 per week
1 x Personal training session +
2 x Group training sessions
This is the most popular membership at Lean Performance, allowing you to make the fastest progress whilst achieving your performance and body composition goals.
Unlimited Pack $54.95
Allows you to train as much as you want and pick any session on our timetable throughout the week
See Our Group Training Timetable.
Starter Pack $99
Includes 2 x Personal Training sessions, movement screen, strength &
fitness testing, body composition assessment and nutrition coaching.
Note: This is a compulsory requirement before starting any Group
Training membership. The starter pack will allow us to measure your
strength and fitness, which will provide a safe way to build you into
our Group Training environment.
Three Pack $54.95
Allows you to complete any three sessions on our timetable throughout the week.
Includes 2 x Personal Training sessions, movement screen, strength &
fitness testing, body composition assessment and nutrition coaching.
Note: This is a compulsory requirement before starting any Group
Training membership. The starter pack will allow us to measure your
strength and fitness, which will provide a safe way to build you into
our Group Training environment.
1-on-1 Personal Training $80
2-on-1 Personal Training $45
Evolt Body Scanner
You train, we track.
Track detailed changes in the quality of the activity, body composition, and nutrition as well as sophisticated data analytics for member body composition changes.
All scans can be accessed via the Evolt app at any time.
$29.95 per scan

Terms and Conditions
By providing your Credit Card or Bank Account details for payment of your membership, you explicitly give Lean Performance the authority to charge your membership fee on a recurring weekly basis according to the terms of your contract. Payments are processed on Thursday through EziPay and will appear as a charge from Lean Performance. If a scheduled payment is declined for any reason, another attempt to process payment will be made within the 48 hours following the first payment attempt. If the second attempt fails, you will be charged a fee of $14.80. Please note that payment failure fees are imposed by EziPay and not Lean Performance and will appear as a charge from Ezi FailPay.
You may pause your membership for up to a maximum of six weeks within a 12-month period by providing 7 seven business days’ prior written notice to Lean Performance.
Should any payments, fees or other debts remain due but unpaid from any source, Lean Performance reserves the right to suspend your use of services until fees and other debts are paid in full.
A 24-hour cancellation policy is applicable for all Personal Training appointments.
You may cancel your membership at any time by giving Lean Performance two weeks’ prior written notice.