Eat more, drop FAT!
Kylie and I having been working together for around 15 months now.
When Kylie came to me she had just finished trying to get lean. One of the main things we identified that she was doing wrong was severely reducing the amount she was eating dropping weight very fast but making it very hard for herself.
We began our reverse diet and made her way up consuming as much as 350g of carbs per day at one point which then allowed us to consume a lot more whilst still losing weight when we decided she wanted to get lean again.
Kylie has now dropped 6+ kg’s and a great amount of body fat % as you can see in this photo.
Here’s the catch Kylie is consuming 1,700 cals per day and at least 160g of carbs per day and still dropping fat. Many women would think this was impossible but if you spend time on ensuring your metabolic system is working correctly you will also see results like Kylie.
Kylie is an absolute pleasure to coach, everything we do she commits 100% to, she has trusted the process the whole way through and these are the results that follow.
A few words from Kylie:
My first bulk was over a period of 6 months during which I gradually increased my calories/ macronutrients every month in order to gain as much lean muscle as I could. I also cut out all my cardio, which was hard to get my head around as it had always been part of my exercise routine. In the early stages I enjoyed being able to eat a lot more food to support my muscle growth, but as time went on I started to gain a little extra body fat and began to feel uncomfortable in my clothes. Dean encouraged me to go continue with my bulk for a couple months longer, and as I had so much faith in him, I did as I was told!
After 6 months it was time to start cutting back on my calories/ macronutrients again to drop my body fat and reveal my hard earned muscle. I’ve been cutting very slowly for the past six months, and gradually losing the body fat by around 500g each week. Dean added some cardio back into my program, mostly HIIT which has helped with the fat loss, but mostly helped with my conditioning.
Whilst it has been a very slow process, it has been a very effective one! I couldnt be happier with my muscle gains, and my body shape has completely changed, for the better! I have also maintained a healthy metabolism doing it over a longer period of time. I’m sure i will feel more comfortable within myself next bulk, as I have seen the results this time around.
A massive thank you to Dean for teaching me everything I know about training and nutrition! I could not have done it without him, and I highly recommend his services to anyone!
Kylie-Ann Shearer